With A Newborn’s First Cry Communication Has Begun
Why Early Intervention?
Early Intervention is critical for academic and social Success. Early identification and intervention work!
Shouldn’t We Just Wait & See?
The “Wait & See” attitude is rarely a good idea and there is no evidence that supports this position in the presence of a delay. While it’s true that Children will continue to develop and grow even without intervention, if there is a delay it will most likely follow the child. Research shows that delays, left untreated, continue to impact a child’s learning and development into their high school years. More brain development occurs in the first few years of life than any other time. Early interventionists want to capitalize on this critical window of development.
Early Intervention is Powerful!
Anytime a parent has a concern about development, they should seek the advice of an SLP or OT. These specialists will be able to help determine when testing or treatment is needed.
Role of the SLP in Working with Children Ages 0-3
Capital Area Speech Therapy adheres to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) position on the role of the Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) in working with children ages 0-3:
According to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), Effective Communication is fundamental to ALL aspects of human functioning, particularly learning and social interaction.
SLP’s address delays and disabilities in communication, language, speech, emergent literacy, and feeding/swallowing.
SLP’s are involved in:
Screening, Assessment
Planning, Implementing, Monitoring Intervention
Consultation with Families & Other Professionals
Service Coordination
Transition Planning
Advancement of the Knowledge Base in Early Intervention
“The development of communication begins at birth. Infants and toddlers who are at risk for or have disabilities should receive supportive care involving the SLP.” ASHA